Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sooooooo Many Changes!

My dear friends, my life has made a complete turn around since last week. Shall we discuss all the changes? On Wednesday I moved home from good old Logan, Utah. It broke my little heart! I have loved the last four years in Logan and have no idea how it went so quickly. Will someone remind me why I zipped through college so fast? I love my major/career field, but man, part of me really wants to still be living the college life. Wednesday was also my last day at Lowe's. I was leaping for joy because I was leaving retail FOREVER, but again was torn because I was leaving some amazing people behind. They truly have become a second family to me, and it was hard to say goodbye. I plan to visit often but it wont be the same. Lowe's peeps who are reading this, I love ya! Another change, moving back to Farmington aka moving in with Mom. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mamasita something fierce, but I have become accustomed to living on my own. Not only that but I rather dislike becoming part of that statistic of college grads that move back home with Mommy. So ya'll better not be judging me. It's where I need to be right now. I'll be able to make a dent in my car loan and such, and adjust to my new income. So I'm here for now, until it's time to go somewhere else. Hopefully a nice gentleman will be delivering that message.

So school. School is now work FYI. That confused my dear cousin Kynzi the other day so I thought I better clarrify. I'm excited to work with these little kiddos, that is for sure! I'm glad they are the main part of my job because they make everything else worth it. I've had to go to multiple different trainings in the last few weeks. Three so far and only one of them has really pertained to me. Throughout my entire education I felt that Sped Preschool always got forgotten about. The same thing has happened now, except at some district meetings they forget about special education all together. HEY! WE HAVE KIDS TOO! In fact they are the tricky ones to teach. Sooooo can we talk about that?! It's just frustrating to spend a whole eight hours in training that is completely useless to me. The bad news is.... It's probably not the last. The good news is my training on Monday IS JUST FOR PRESCHOOL! I'm kind of excited about it!

Today I was able to go set up my classroom with Irma (my coteacher), and work on some other teacher stuff.  It was fun to start getting into stuff and learning my new job. I even got to see a few pictures of my students and they are stinkin cute!!! It'll be exciting to get started!

That's my update for now. Gotta run before my siblings start yelling at me to come help set the table. Love ya oodles!

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