Monday, July 23, 2012


Hello again! I'm not doing too shabby about keeping this up am I? This week has been alright, I've been working a lot and I'll say it again... I CAN'T WAIT TO BE DONE WITH RETAIL! Oh it will be a beautiful day when I can walk out of Lowe's forever. Kenzy and I have been having a blast with little adventures in Logan. We went swimming a week or so ago, went and saw Hunger Games again which involved me having a major laughing attack in the middle of the movie, walked around Logan Golf Course, wandered around the mall, and much, much, more. Our friend Troy and his sister came up this weekend and we got to go to lunch with them on Friday which was super fun! I got to hold his amazing wand from Harry Potter World, which was fantastic! Tomorrow Kenz and I are heading to Lava for the day! It's been ages since I've been and I'm super excited!

Here's a little odd fact about me... I've been kind of obsessed with the news lately. Odd right? During the wildfires I was checking every hour to see the progress of firefighters. Something about it just glued me to The same thing has happened with the shooting in Colorado, but it's been even more addicting. It's unbelievable the horrible acts that occur in this world. It's so sad to see twelve people's lives just come to an end so quickly, in a movie theater?! This world just becomes more and more insane. Watching all the coverage I just became extremely grateful for the knowledge I have that my Heavenly Father lives, has a plan, and is watching over all. I pray that all of those families can find comfort in Him. I was also thinking how great it is to have the knowledge that eventually all of these tragedy's will end. Eventually we will no longer have sadness and will be with our family members forever. What a blessing it is to know that these horrendous acts will end and that the world as it now will not just continue on forever. If I didn't have this knowledge I would become so down in the dumps every time something like this occurred. It's not forever!!!!!! Our forever will be thousands times better than this world we live in and I can't wait!

I need advice ladies, and gents (if any are reading this which I find very unlikely). It's about lovely boys. I feel like I get nervous and awkward every time I'm around a boy I have the smallest of feelings for. Why!? Why can't I just chillax, take a breather and act normal. I just over think every little action and I very much despise it. I've improved over the last little while but for example, I dropped by this young man's house the other night with a group to drop something off. I said like one thing to him and then kind of avoided eye contact, because I don't want it to be obvious I'm interested...and we barely know each other. I'm thinking avoiding eye contact isn't the best way to get things moving along lol? I just don't take advantage of any opportunities when I'm around them to really go out of my way to talk to them, sit by them, etc. How do you get the courage to do such a thing? I've been told that I should just wait for them to make the move.... but if we're going of prior dating experience, they've ALL forgotten how to do that. So do I keep waiting or do I need to be more out there and make the first move? Any and all advice would be much appreciated, please comment below. Hope you all don't think I'm ridiculously silly for that paragraph.

That's all for now. I get to go to the Temple this week and I am so excited!!! I've wanted to go for the last month but I called the Temple and found out they were closed until the 17th.... So I called on the 17th all excited and discovered the Temple was OPENED, but the baptistry was closed until the 25th... LAME! Anywho it's finally opening this week and I'm going on Thursday with my ward and I'm so stoked! There is nothing else like the spirit there and I'm in withdrawals!  Love you all and hope everything in your life is going swimmingly!


  1. You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.
    ~Benjamin Mee, "We Bought a Zoo"

    20 seconds of insane bravery, Jess. You never know what could happen (:

  2. Elise picked a perfect quote. I second that!
